

Events and opportunities open to the entire Arizona State University community.

Learn about the educational resources offered by Research Computing

Research Computing offers a wide variety of educational resources including virtual or in-person workshops and training sessions, hosted virtual “office hours,” online training materials and user documentation. Below are some examples of the training provided to the community.

Supercharge your research at this workshop, Jan. 5

By the end of this short presentation, you will learn about what a supercomputer is and how you might be able to use this powerful resource to supercharge your research! Bring your questions and curiosity for this all-level, inclusive workshop!

Apply now for the Faculty Fellowship Program starting January 2023

The program will include an in-person, hands-on workshop in January 2023, a reflection workshop in August 2023, and a culminating participant conference in January 2024. Not only can participating faculty expect to receive a $1,000 honorarium, but they also have opportunities for conference presentations, faculty collaboration and course development.