What does it mean to be human in a technologically transformed future?
Bold and creative thinkers at ASU are invited to join The Future of Being Human, a new initiative that aims to catalyze ideas and thought leadership around what it might mean to be human in a technologically transformed future.
Faculty and staff from all backgrounds are invited to come together and explore compelling questions and transformative ideas through informal pop-up discussions, high-profile public events, retreats and unique educational opportunities.
All of these activities will be driven by a passion to bring together audacious, original and passionate thinkers to push the boundaries of how we imagine the future of being human in a technologically complex world, and how this can inform our present-day ideas, aspirations and actions.
Discuss headlining trends in innovation, such as artificial intelligence, gene editing, quantum technology, personalized medicine, the blockchain, virtual and augmented reality, the metaverse and many others. Go beyond conventional disciplines and perspectives to discover the possibilities and challenges these trends — and the spaces in between — pose for humanity.
While grounded in academic scholarship, this is not a research initiative, but is designed to catalyze new ideas, innovative perspectives and transformative thought leadership at ASU and with outside partners.
If you are interested in being part of the conversation, learn more and sign up for regular updates.