Would you like to connect with peers, gain new insights and refine your teaching strategies? Communities of Practice, or CoP, events offer unique opportunities to engage in collaborative learning about topics that matter to you. Each CoP event provides interactive sessions, valuable resources and actionable takeaways that empower you to elevate your teaching and student…
Professional development
Advance your career with these professional development opportunities offered by the Fulton Schools, ASU and more.
Share with your students: Attend the Engineering Industry Expert Panel Discussion, Dec. 5
The Fulton Schools Career Center is hosting the first of five Engineering Industry Advisory Board panels with industry experts from the engineering field as they share their career paths, discuss insights, professional behaviors, first job experiences and more. Q&A’s will be addressed at the end of the session as time allows. Whether you are a first-year…
Share with your students: Apply to the Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship by Dec. 1
This program provides science, technology, engineering and mathematics research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories, or SNL, Research Fellows. Sandia summer fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with SNL mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events and tours sponsored by the…
Apply to be the Secretary of the Assembly of the Fulton Schools of Engineering by Nov. 25
The members of the Assembly of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, or AFSE, are represented by the executive committee, or EC, which provides guidance to the dean, has monthly meetings and gives feedback to the faculty on governance. The secretary is an important officer of the EC, who is elected by the members…
Attend a lab safety and management panel discussion, Nov. 4
The M360 Faculty Mentorship Program is happy to announce the second Fulton Schools-wide event of the fall: a panel on lab safety and management. Hear best practices and have your questions answered by a panel of the following experts within the Fulton Schools: Sarah Stabenfeldt, Ricardo Reina, Jason Jedinak and Rita Bottesch. M360: Lab Safety and Management panel discussionMonday, Nov. 4, 202410–11:30…
Attend a Community of Practice event in October and November
The Fulton Schools Learning and Teaching Hub has several Communities of Practice, or CoP, events running throughout the semester. Join us! These CoPs are open to anyone interested in the Fulton Schools community and meet virtually every month on a range of topics. Generative AI in Teaching and Learning Join us for an information session…
Attend ICAP Workshop: How to Enhance Active Learning in STEMM Education on Oct. 30
The ICAP Center for Teaching and Learning is offering a faculty development workshop specifically designed for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical, or STEMM, faculty members at Arizona State University, focusing on enhancing student engagement through active learning. The workshop will delve into the power of ICAP theory, developed by Regents Professor Michelene Chi, to provide operational principles that…
Share with your students: Register to attend the Southwest Robotics Symposium on Oct. 31-Nov. 1
The Southwest Robotics Symposium, or SWRS, is back! This is a premier destination for researchers, industry partners and robot enthusiasts from around the southwest and beyond to discuss robotics research and see innovative hardware. The symposium will host talks, research poster sessions, lab tours, industry dialog, exhibitions and demonstrations. This two-day event also includes two…
Attend ICAP Workshop: How to Enhance Active Learning in STEMM Education on Sept. 23
Join the ICAP Center for Teaching and Learning for an upcoming workshop on active learning! Tailored specifically for engineering faculty, this September workshop is part of a fall semester series hosted by the ICAP Project team. How to Enhance Active Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical (STEMM) EducationMonday, Sept. 23, 20249 a.m.–noonPaul C….
Attend a M360 Workshop: Tools to Support Effective Student Mentorship, Sept. 12 or Sept. 25
Learn about and practice using evidence-based tools — derived from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, or NASEM, 2019 report on the Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM — to support effective, inclusive student mentorship. The M360 Workshop is open to all faculty members in the Fulton Schools. Tools to Support Effective Student…
Attend Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Seminars this fall
Join the Fulton Schools Learning and Teaching Hub this fall for monthly, virtual seminars to regularly learn about and discuss topics related to engineering education. The Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Seminars, or SEEdS, formerly known as the Teaching Community of Practice, or TCP, are open to anyone interested in the Fulton Schools community. Does…
Share with your students: Fulton Schools Fall Career Fairs, Sept. 17–19, Oct. 2
Registrations for Fall 2024 Career Fairs are now available for students on Handshake! The Fulton Schools Career Center has a number of resources to help students get ready. Please share the following resources with your students: Fulton Schools of Engineering Undergraduate In-Person Career FairTuesday, Sept. 17, 2024Noon–4:30 p.m.Memorial Union (MU), second floor, Tempe campus [map]…
Sign up to attend the ASU Professional Development Conference, Oct. 23–24 — registration ends Oct. 18
Planning is well underway for the 17th annual ASU Professional Development Conference hosted by the ASU Commission on the Status of Women. This year’s conference is the largest ever with more than 125 workshop sessions covering nearly all new topics! Some workshop sessions will be offered on both days. All workshops will be hosted online…
Attend Cohort of Recently-hired Educators Kick-off on Aug. 16 or 20
Attention all newly hired faculty to the Fulton Schools: please join the FSE Learning and Teaching Hub for one of two kick-off options prior to the semester start for the Cohort of Recently-hired Educators, or CORE, to begin the semester successfully! Option 1: Friday, August 16, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (lunch provided!)orOption…
Submit your proposal for the ASU Professional Development Conference by Aug. 7
The ASU Commission on the Status of Women invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 17th annual ASU Professional Development Conference scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, and Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 — both days via Zoom. The goal of the ASU Professional Development Conference is to provide readily accessible information, resources…