Save the date for the ASU Professional Development Conference, Oct. 11–12
Planning is well underway for the 16th annual ASU Professional Development Conference hosted by the ASU Commission on the Status of Women, or CSW.
ASU Professional Development Conference
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023–Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023
More information to come
This year’s conference presents a mix of online and in-person workshops. On Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023, all conference sessions will be hosted online. On Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023, all conference sessions will be hosted in person at the Tempe campus. Many workshop sessions will be offered on both days.
The theme of this year’s conference is on the Five Essentials of Workplace Wellness as defined by the U.S. Surgeon General. Look for exciting sessions in the areas of:
- Mattering at work: Dignity and impact.
- Protection from harm: Safety and security.
- Community and connection: Social support and belonging.
- Opportunity for growth: Learning and accomplishments.
- Work-life harmony: Autonomy and flexibility.
More than 70 different sessions will be announced soon. Download the flyer to get a sneak peek at some of the sessions.
Registration for the conference will open in early September. Mark your calendars and make arrangements to attend! This conference is free and is open to all ASU faculty, staff and students. It is the largest university-provided development conference in the nation!
First access to registration is provided to members of the CSW listserv. If you aren’t on the list, sign up for the CSW listserv today!
Questions? Email Karen Engler-Weber, program director, at [email protected].
Flyer CSW PDC 2023 Conference Sneak Peek 080923