The goal of computer vision, as coined by Marr, is to develop algorithms to answer “What are Where at When from” visual appearance. Fulton Schools Associate Professor and Fulton Entrepreneurial Professor Yezhou (YZ) Yang, among others, recognizes the importance of studying underlying entities and relations beyond visual appearance, following an active perception paradigm. This talk…
Learn about upcoming seminars covering exciting and innovative research topics.
Attend Space Futures Live, Aug. 24
Space Futures Live will bring to the stage seven visiting scholars across a broad disciplinary landscape united in their mission to shape an inclusive and sustainable future for humanity in space.
Attend the CTF Seminar Series: The General Data Protection Regulation, July 28
The talk will include a brief introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, and its implications concerning the rights and obligations of both users and data collectors as well as the challenges of actually enforcing the policies.
Webinar: Groundbreaking research on treatment for autism, June 6 and 9
Professors Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown and James Adams will present their findings on treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD symptoms through microbiota transplant therapy, or MTT, in two upcoming webinars with their collaborator, autism researcher Richard Frye. Learn about the results of their latest study on MTT for adults with autism. Each 40-minute presentation will cover the…
SCAI Summer 2023 Seminar Series: Learn to Reconstruct Marine Productivity Through Machine Learning Algorithms and Big Data, June 8
See how machine learning and big data can recreate complex natural systems in this SCAI Summer Seminar Series hosted by Yezhou “YZ” Yang, an associate professor of computer science and engineering. Learn to Reconstruct Marine Productivity Through Machine Learning Algorithms and Big DataPresented by Zuchuan Li, Duke Kunshan University Thursday, June 8, 202311 a.m.–noonBrickyard (BYENG)…
Attend the inaugural School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence Faculty Colloquium, April 13
SCAI Professor Subbarao Kambhampati will describe the origins and the status of this rapidly evolving technology and discuss some of its many implications.
Join us at the Cybersecurity Symposium, April 7
The Center for Cybersecurity and Trusted Foundations, part of the Global Security Initiative, will host its annual Cybersecurity Symposium on Friday, April 7, 2023, from 9 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Guest speakers include: Cybersecurity SymposiumFriday, April 7, 20239 a.m.–4:45 p.m.In-person: College Avenue Commons (CAVC) Devil’s Oasis, Tempe campus [map]Online via ZoomLearn more and register — space is…
Attend the next Frank Rhodes Lecture Series event about the science of learning, April 14
In this Frank Rhodes Lecture Series event, Candace Thille will will explore how the relationship between learning research and instructional practice can and should change to meet the needs of adult learners and the larger society.
IEEE Education Society Seminar: Measuring students’ opportunities to develop professional skills — lessons learned in assessing ‘hidden’ constructs in education, March 31
Attend this upcoming IEEE Education Society Seminar presented by Tiantian “Olivia” Li, a doctoral student in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. This talk is co-sponsored by the ASU SenSIP Center.
Join us for the first Douglas C. Montgomery Distinguished Lecture by Harriet B. Nembhard, April 7
Join us for the Douglas C. Montgomery Distinguished Lecture at Arizona State University, a forum for the exchange of current topics related to industrial engineering. Generously supported by ASU Regents Professor Douglas Montgomery, the annual lecture will kick off on Friday, April 7, 2023. This year’s lecture is presented by Harriet B. Nembhard from the…
Join us for the Distinguished Seminar by Nobel Laureate Stanley Whittingham, Feb. 24
Join us for a distinguished seminar with Nobel laureate and Binghamton University Professor Stanley Whittingham, where he will discuss the future of lithium batteries on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023.
Join us for the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture by Jiawei Han, Feb. 24
Join us for the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture on Friday, Feb. 24, to hear about a scalable approach to extracting knowledge from text data. This year’s lecture is presented by Jiawei Han from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Attend a special seminar on the advancement of women in STEM academics, Jan. 30
Janet Hering, a National Academy of Engineering Member and the retired director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, will discuss a comparative U.S. and European perspective on the advancement of women in STEM academics.
Demystify machine learning at this event on Jan. 20
Do you or your students work with machine learning? Attend “Machine Learning Demystified” presented by guest speaker Atul Dhingra from Standard AI.
Join us for a keynote address with the Ambassador of Mexico about the semiconductor industry, November 21
In partnership with the ASU Office of Government and Community Engagement and the Fulton Schools Global Office of Extended Education, ASU is hosting the honorable Ambassador of Mexico to the United States Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, who will be giving a keynote address during a multi-day visit.