Are you preparing to apply for a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development, or CAREER, Award? Use the Fulton Schools NSF CAREER Resources website as a guide to crafting a high-quality proposal, review the graphic design for research proposals process guide, and use the Proposal Intake form to request editing support and consult with Tirupalavanam Ganesh on your education outreach…
Research is a core part of the Fulton Schools. Find opportunities to advance your research and get inspired by news and events that discuss innovative research in the Fulton Schools and beyond.
Faculty: Inspire and shape young minds that are interested in STEM research with SCENE
SCENE, or Science and Engineering Experience, provides research opportunities in STEM backgrounds to highly motivated high school students. The SCENE program succeeds through partnerships and collaboration with SCENE Mentors. SCENE Mentors are ASU faculty in STEM backgrounds who provide participants with valuable, hands-on research experience in a lab setting. The program is looking for 2023–24…
Apply for New Economy Initiative Science and Technology Centers funding opportunities — deadline extended to May 31
With the recent completion of the Proposers Day on March 22, all five STCs have released these FOAs to solicit proposals for research and development projects that are collaborations between ASU researchers, industry partners and government stakeholders.
Attend a Fulton Schools NSF CAREER Award Workshop, March 31
The Fulton Schools Research Services team invites National Science Foundation CAREER Award-eligible Fulton Schools faculty to attend a workshop focused on strategies for responding to the NSF CAREER solicitation.
Software Carpentry: Shell, Git, and R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, Feb. 13–15
Research Computing will be offering the Software Carpentry: Shell, Git, and R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis online course Monday, Feb. 13–Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023. This three-day course will teach these core topics: the Unix shell, version control with Git, and R.
Fulton Schools New Faculty Advisory Council Workshop: Strategies for Pursuing Research Funding, Feb. 10
You’re invited! This year’s Fulton Schools New Faculty Advisory Council grant writing workshop will focus on strategies for pursuing research funding. External consultant Lucy Deckard of Academic Research Funding Strategies will cover a variety of topics, from identifying and understanding your likely funders to white papers and quad charts.
Attend the Black Men’s Brain Health Conference, Feb. 8–9
Alongside Super Bowl LVII, join the Black Men’s Brain Health Conference to help understand why Black men are more prone to Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other brain disorders, and increase representation of Black men in research.
Submit LOIs for a Salt River Project Joint Research Program by Feb. 3
The Office of the Vice Dean for Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the SRP Joint Research Program is accepting letters of intent, or LOIs, for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Nominate faculty members for the Daniel Jankowski Legacy Award by Jan. 30
Do you know a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and service? Have they contributed significantly to the advancement of engineering? Recognize their achievements by nominating them for the Daniel Jankowski Legacy Award!
Apply to participate in a Microelectronics Commons Regional Hub opportunity by December 19
ASU intends to lead a Regional Hub proposal that includes at least Arizona and New Mexico, and leverages its microelectronics design, fabrication and metrology strengths. Sandia National Lab, which has a 180 nm rad-hard CMOS line, will be a strategic partner in our Hub and will also serve with ASU as a split-fab Core.
Join us at the FURI Symposium, November 18
See how students are solving real-world challenges in data science, education, energy, health, security and sustainability at the Fall 2022 FURI Symposium! Undergraduate and graduate students from the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative, Master’s Opportunity for Research in Engineering and the Grand Challenges Scholars Program will showcase their research findings.
Submit projects for the 2023 Summer Research Initiative (SURI) by November 28
The purpose of SURI is to improve doctoral student recruitment by enabling both domestic and international students, including ASU students, to participate in summer research under the mentorship of Fulton Schools research faculty.
Share with your students: Expand your horizons though bioplastics research in Japan — apply by December 31
For 10 weeks in Summer 2023, a cohort of selected students will travel to and reside in Kyoto, Japan, where they will perform hands-on research in the Department of Biobased Materials at Kyoto Institute of Technology, or KIT.
More than Money: What Capital Women Researchers Need at the New American University, October 4
The ASU Faculty Women’s Association invites you to join us for the first in a three-part series that will explore the types of capital women researchers need to be successful at the New American University.
Share with your students: Do you want to participate in research? Attend the Fulton Schools Research Resource Fair, September 29
Attending the Fair will give students all the tools they need to submit a competitive application ahead of the Spring 2023 FURI and MORE deadline: Wednesday, October 19, 2022.