Attend the Black Men’s Brain Health Conference, Feb. 8–9

The Black Men's Brain Health Conference and Alzheimer's Association are proud to present "The Impact of Incarceration and the Judicial System on Black Men's Brain Health: A Risk and Resilience Framework." Presenter: Maurice Clarett, Ohio State Buckeyes. Panelists: Edward Vargas, PhD, Arizona State University; Darren Chapman, TigerMountain Foundation; Dana Rice, DrPH, UNC Gillings School of Public Health; Reginald Bolding, PhD, AZ State Representative (D-27). February 9, 10:30 a.m. MST, in-person at ASU or attend virtually. Register for free at
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Alongside Super Bowl LVII, join the Black Men’s Brain Health Conference to help understand why Black men are more prone to Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other brain disorders, and increase representation of Black men in research.

The 2nd Annual Black Men’s Brain Health Conference will be held Feb. 8–9 at Arizona State University. The conference is free; however, seating is limited. Reserve your spot to attend in person for free or reserve your free virtual viewing option.

If you love football (and other contact sports), consider engaging with the leading researchers and health care professionals. A special “Sports Spotlight” panel features former elite athletes, men and women, discussing their transition from sports competition.