
Fulton Schools

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University is one of the largest and most comprehensive engineering programs in the United States. Find events and opportunities exclusively for Fulton Schools faculty and staff members.

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovator Steve Millman’s logic tutor and flipped classes

Steve Millman, a professor of practice in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, programmed his own software for his CSE/EEE 120 Digital Design Fundamentals class that randomly generates practice problems and gives students instant feedback. Steve also flipped his courses so students watch lecture videos before coming to class and he now spends class time on hands-on activities and group quizzes.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Course Culture

Have you thought about what type of academic integrity culture exists in your course? Allotting time to share expectations, educate and inspire students to complete their studies with integrity is very important. It is no longer enough to just have an academic integrity statement in your syllabus.

2022 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards

Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Quick-Reference Guides

The FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has created a variety of Quick-Reference Guides (QRGs) for common teaching tasks and challenges. Think of the QRGs as condensed highlights on educational topics, meant to offer just-in-time learning to quickly implement pedagogical strategies and provide additional resources for learning.

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Mediaplus — ASU launches new media delivery platform in December

MediaPlus will replace MediaAMP/Modalis as the media delivery platform for ASU. Faculty and staff will not need to re-upload or transfer those resources themselves. All existing media, videos and transcripts in MediaAMP are being copied and saved and will begin to appear in MediaPlus in early December. All existing links to MediaAmp content within Canvas will be automatically transitioned to MediaPlus.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Group projects

Group projects are a great way to enhance content knowledge and provide students the experience of working with other people on a shared project. To avoid academic integrity problems and upset students, consider assimilating these tips to enhance the academic integrity of your group projects.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Assignment instructions

Students are expected to know and abide by the ASU academic integrity policy. Regardless, it is good practice to always provide clear assignment/exam instructions. Repeating expectations and providing clear instructions make it more difficult for a panicked student to rationalize a poor academic integrity decision. 

VDRI selects awardees for the 2021 FSE strategic interest seed funding program

The Vice Dean for Research and Innovation (VDRI) Office is pleased to announce 12 awardees for the 2021 Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) Strategic Interest Seed Funding Program: Working Collaboratively to Meet Future Needs. The response to this year’s seed funding initiative was impressive with a variety of topics and ideas presented by faculty across FSE…