Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Inspiration and Accountability

Developing a positive academic integrity culture involves a dual focus on inspiration and accountability. On the inspiration front, read a few ideas on how to inspire students to make good decisions. For accountability and to ensure a level playing field for all students:
- Make it your standard to use all available tech resources (e.g. Turnitin, MOSS, Honorlock, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Respondus Monitor, etc.).
- Talk to your colleagues about best practices and incorporate them into your classes.
- Train your graders and teaching assistants on what to look out for and what you expect of them if they discover possible academic integrity violations.
- Know that for standard first-time academic integrity violations, students are always required to take the Fulton Schools Academic Integrity Remediation Course (AIRC) as part of the sanction.
- Report all academic integrity violations to the Academic Integrity Office so we can:
- Ensure students receive proper due process.
- Hold repeat offenders properly accountable.
- Ensure every student with a violation takes our integrity education course.
For additional academic integrity information and tips check out the Fulton Schools Academic Integrity Office webpage.