Thank you to all the Fulton Schools staff who joined us at the Fulton Difference Awards and Recognition celebration! Check out the photo gallery and revisit the presentation for recognition of our staff members’ years of service, award nominees and winners. Dean Kyle Squires recognized all staff who have served the Fulton Schools, especially those…
Attend the Fulton Schools Capstone Showcase, Dec. 1
Join us for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Capstone Showcase on Friday, Dec. 1, 2023. More than 150 student teams will be showcasing their projects, including teams from School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and School for Engineering of…
Congratulations to our 2023 Halloween Decorating Contest winners!
We had a fa-boo-lous Halloween in the Fulton Schools community with all the spooktacular decorations and eerie-sistible treats that adorned our offices. See who our winners were!
Compete to be pick of the patch in the Fulton Schools 2023 Halloween Decorating Contest
Halloween is quickly approaching and it’s time for the Fulton Schools Halloween Decorating Contest! This is an opportunity for staff to put their creative minds together and showcase their talents. Teams from across the Fulton Schools are invited to participate in this year’s contest. Participating teams will receive $150 (transferred to an ASU local account)…
2023 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards
We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors.
Attend the Capstone Showcase, April 26 — sign up for volunteer positions too!
Graduating seniors in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, the School of Engineering Matter, Transport and Energy and the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering will present their capstone projects at this biannual celebration.
Congratulations to the 2023 Fulton Difference Award winners!
Thank you to all the Fulton Schools staff who joined us at the new Fulton Difference Awards celebration! Revisit the presentation for recognition of our staff members’ years of service, award nominees and winners. Also, check out our photo gallery on Flickr. Congratulations to the 2023 award winners: Excellence in ServiceBritton Breisch, senior financial specialist,…
You’re invited to the Fulton Schools Capstone Showcase, December 2
Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, computer systems engineering, industrial engineering and biomedical engineering majors demonstrate what they’ve learned over the past four years in solving practical problems in team projects. All students, faculty members and the public are invited to see the results of these milestone projects.
VDRI selects awardees for the 2021 FSE strategic interest seed funding program
The Vice Dean for Research and Innovation (VDRI) Office is pleased to announce 12 awardees for the 2021 Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) Strategic Interest Seed Funding Program: Working Collaboratively to Meet Future Needs. The response to this year’s seed funding initiative was impressive with a variety of topics and ideas presented by faculty across FSE…
2021 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards
Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…
Assistant Professor Mehdi Nikkhah selected as Young Innovator of Cellular And Molecular Bioengineering
Mehdi Nikkhah, a Fulton Schools assistant professor of biomedical engineering, is one of ten 2018 Young Innovators of Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering for the Biomedical Engineering Society’s CMBE Journal. Nikkhah is featured in the October issue of the journal along with other up-and-coming faculty working on innovative and impactful bioengineering studies. On Friday, October 19, 2018, Nikkhah…