

School of Computer, Electrical and Energy Engineering

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students at table presenting capstone project

Attend the ECEE Senior Design Capstone Demo Day, May 2

The Spring 2025 ECEE Senior Design Capstone Demo Day features graduating seniors from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering presenting their capstone projects that address real-world challenges.

May 02, 202510:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
DASSH banner showing dates of February 28 to March 3 and "Security in an AI World" theme

Share with your students: Join a team at DASSH hackathon, Feb. 28–March 2

The Designing Actionable Solutions for a Secure Homeland, or DASSH, Student Design Challenge is your chance to tackle real-world homeland security challenges in a collaborative and innovative environment. This dynamic event will task participants to develop innovative solutions to real-world homeland security problems, focusing on securing the future while considering the evolving effects of artificial intelligence, or AI.

Swing 4 SWE Driving women together

Participate in Swing 4 SWE, March 28

Swing 4 SWE fosters connections that break down barriers and build a supportive network of allies. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage with our women engineering students and create meaningful relationships — all while enjoying the fun and camaraderie of golf.

Students standing next to a poster presenting their senior team project

Attend the Fall 2024 ECEE Senior Design Capstone Demo Day, Dec. 6

The Fall 2024 ECEE Senior Design Capstone Demo Day features graduating seniors from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering presenting their capstone projects that address real-world challenges. This culminating showcase is an excellent opportunity for attendees to engage with students and their unique projects. Come and learn about research from 26 student teams,…

Vitalant Blood Drive

Donate blood at the ECEE Fall Blood Drive, Oct. 23

If you can donate, schedule an appointment to help save lives and be a part of this great cause. Fall Blood DriveWednesday, Oct. 23, 202410 a.m.–2 p.m.Goldwater Center (GWC) 487, Tempe campus [map]Schedule an appointment

2024 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards

Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…

A graphic with maroon and gold balloons with the words Fulton Difference Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 Fulton Difference Award winners!

Thank you to all the Fulton Schools staff who joined us at the Fulton Difference Awards and Recognition celebration! Check out the photo gallery and revisit the presentation for recognition of our staff members’ years of service, award nominees and winners. Dean Kyle Squires recognized all staff who have served the Fulton Schools, especially those…

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovator Steve Millman’s logic tutor and flipped classes

Steve Millman, a professor of practice in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, programmed his own software for his CSE/EEE 120 Digital Design Fundamentals class that randomly generates practice problems and gives students instant feedback. Steve also flipped his courses so students watch lecture videos before coming to class and he now spends class time on hands-on activities and group quizzes.

2022 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards

Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…

Structural dynamics modeling earns Mignolet award

Structures of all types are subject to dynamic loads that affect them and potentially alter their integrity. The field of structural dynamics is concerned with predicting and discovering how physical structures behave under such applied loads. Finite element modeling is often used for these tasks. It is a computational process in which a structure is…

Professor to help lead community health organization

Fulton Schools Professor Deirdre Meldrum is the new chair of the Health First Foundation Northern Arizona board of directors. The board is responsible for advancing the foundation’s mission, stewarding gifts and assets, and developing strategic priorities. The organization seeks to help people with unmet health needs in the region’s communities. Read more.

VDRI selects awardees for the 2021 FSE strategic interest seed funding program

The Vice Dean for Research and Innovation (VDRI) Office is pleased to announce 12 awardees for the 2021 Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) Strategic Interest Seed Funding Program: Working Collaboratively to Meet Future Needs. The response to this year’s seed funding initiative was impressive with a variety of topics and ideas presented by faculty across FSE…