
MSN seminars

The School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks (MSN) holds weekly academic seminars. These seminars are open to the public and feature speakers who are at the forefront of a variety of manufacturing disciplines and applications.

MSN seminar archives

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An ASU manufacturing engineering student measures an object produced by additive manufacturing.
Xi Yu

Attend a seminar on multi-robot systems in a dynamic world, Sept. 20

Join the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks as they host Xi Yu, an assistant professor of manufacturing engineering, for a seminar on multi-robot systems in a dynamic world. Sailing with the uncertainty: Multi-robot systems in a dynamic world Friday, Sept. 20, 202411 a.m.–noonPeralta Hall (PRLTA) 130, Polytechnic campus [map] Abstract Autonomous technologies are essential for…

Mostafa Yourdkhani

Attend a seminar on the direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Sept. 13

Join the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks as they host Mostafa Yourdkhani, an associate professor of manufacturing and robotics and autonomous systems, for a seminar on the direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer compositesFriday, Sept. 13, 202411 a.m.–noonPeralta Hall (PRLTA) 130, Polytechnic campus [map] Abstract Fiber-reinforced polymer…