Join the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks as they host Xi Yu, an assistant professor of manufacturing engineering, for a seminar on multi-robot systems in a dynamic world. Sailing with the uncertainty: Multi-robot systems in a dynamic world Friday, Sept. 20, 202411 a.m.–noonPeralta Hall (PRLTA) 130, Polytechnic campus [map] Abstract Autonomous technologies are essential for…
MSN seminars
The School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks (MSN) holds weekly academic seminars. These seminars are open to the public and feature speakers who are at the forefront of a variety of manufacturing disciplines and applications.
Attend a seminar on the direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Sept. 13
Join the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks as they host Mostafa Yourdkhani, an associate professor of manufacturing and robotics and autonomous systems, for a seminar on the direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Direct digital manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer compositesFriday, Sept. 13, 202411 a.m.–noonPeralta Hall (PRLTA) 130, Polytechnic campus [map] Abstract Fiber-reinforced polymer…