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ASU Learning Futures Fall Expo

Attend the ASU Learning Futures Fall Expo, August 19

ASU Learning Futures is a production studio through the University of Technology Office that imagines the future of learning three-to-five years into the future and creates platforms and experiences using extended reality (XR) technologies to make those learning experiences real. These technologies include but are not limited to VR headsets, mobile apps, and more!

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Semester Start Tips

We are excited to welcome the Fulton Schools community back to campus for the fall semester! Included below are a few tips and resources to start your semester successfully from the FSE Learning and Teaching Hub, or LTH.

Attend the Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Social, August 31

Please join the Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub (LTH) for the inaugural Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Social, or SEEdS! We will have a keynote, lightning talks on engineering education topics and open up the event for networking time for the Fulton Schools community. Heavy appetizers and drinks will be served!

FSE Cloud Classroom is live — explore helpful resources for your courses and students

FSE Cloud Classroom is a virtual environment hosted in the cloud that provides Fulton Schools students with immediate access to the software used in many engineering courses directly from a browser window. The FSE Cloud Classroom runs in the cloud and is independent of your computer’s operating system so Windows-based software can be accessed on a Mac Laptop and vice versa!

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Course Culture

Have you thought about what type of academic integrity culture exists in your course? Allotting time to share expectations, educate and inspire students to complete their studies with integrity is very important. It is no longer enough to just have an academic integrity statement in your syllabus.

Faculty: Attend FSE Cloud Classroom Live Training for Apporto, July 26

This interactive session, led by Max Lushchan, director of customer success at Apporto, will give you everything you need to get off to a strong start this fall. In addition to best practices for enhancing the learning experience, this webinar will also cover advanced features, such as student impersonation, collaborative learning and virtual classrooms. 

Register for the 2022 Research Computing Expo, August 1–2

This event will include in-depth and interactive training for vital topics such as using the web portal, the Linux command line, the software module system, job submission, job benchmarking, job profiling, job monitoring, tools for submitting a large number of jobs, as well as how to leverage hardware such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and high memory nodes.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Competency and character

Your academic discipline and course content will evolve and change over time. The variety and types of students that you educate are limitless. What will never change is the need for graduates who display both competency and character. Academic integrity is a framework for any student’s future professional ethic. While we have an obligation to prepare students for successful futures in their chosen disciplines, let’s not forget our ability to positively impact students in the character realm as well. 

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Copyright and course materials

Course materials such as lecture notes, exam questions and any other written material distributed in class are copyright protected. While copyright protection is not a panacea, it is a legal concept that most individuals understand. Additionally, it is a type of intellectual property law that supports getting course materials taken down from the internet when discovered. Here are a few suggestions to consider:

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Quick-Reference Guides

The FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has created a variety of Quick-Reference Guides (QRGs) for common teaching tasks and challenges. Think of the QRGs as condensed highlights on educational topics, meant to offer just-in-time learning to quickly implement pedagogical strategies and provide additional resources for learning.