

Events and opportunities relevant to Fulton Schools staff.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Proctoring in-person exams

It can be difficult to proctor in-person exams and keep them organized and orderly. Probably the two most important tips are to over plan and over-communicate. Being prepared and letting students know your expectations will alleviate most of the challenging issues. We are sure you have some great ideas but here are a few basic tips to consider:

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Group projects

Group projects are a great way to enhance content knowledge and provide students the experience of working with other people on a shared project. To avoid academic integrity problems and upset students, consider assimilating these tips to enhance the academic integrity of your group projects.

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Assignment instructions

Students are expected to know and abide by the ASU academic integrity policy. Regardless, it is good practice to always provide clear assignment/exam instructions. Repeating expectations and providing clear instructions make it more difficult for a panicked student to rationalize a poor academic integrity decision.