
Fulton Schools

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University is one of the largest and most comprehensive engineering programs in the United States. Find events and opportunities exclusively for Fulton Schools faculty and staff members.

Celebrate the 2022 World Cup by sharing your knowledge — submit proposals by August 26

Some ways ASU is celebrating the World Cup are: having interdisciplinary conversations, talks by subject matter experts and providing learning resources. If you are interested in participating we encourage you to submit a brief proposal. Below lists the different ways you can engage. Programming will primarily span Monday, October 10, 2022–November 21, 2022, leading into the opening matches of the men’s 2022 FIFA World Cup competition. 

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Semester Start Tips

We are excited to welcome the Fulton Schools community back to campus for the fall semester! Included below are a few tips and resources to start your semester successfully from the FSE Learning and Teaching Hub, or LTH.

Attend the Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Social, August 31

Please join the Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub (LTH) for the inaugural Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Social, or SEEdS! We will have a keynote, lightning talks on engineering education topics and open up the event for networking time for the Fulton Schools community. Heavy appetizers and drinks will be served!

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty

Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Course Culture

Have you thought about what type of academic integrity culture exists in your course? Allotting time to share expectations, educate and inspire students to complete their studies with integrity is very important. It is no longer enough to just have an academic integrity statement in your syllabus.

Register for the 2022 Research Computing Expo, August 1–2

This event will include in-depth and interactive training for vital topics such as using the web portal, the Linux command line, the software module system, job submission, job benchmarking, job profiling, job monitoring, tools for submitting a large number of jobs, as well as how to leverage hardware such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and high memory nodes.

2022 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards

Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Quick-Reference Guides

The FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has created a variety of Quick-Reference Guides (QRGs) for common teaching tasks and challenges. Think of the QRGs as condensed highlights on educational topics, meant to offer just-in-time learning to quickly implement pedagogical strategies and provide additional resources for learning.