A close-up view of a bread board with electronic devices on it.

Contribute to In the Loop

News items can be submitted for publication on the website at any time.

  • Submitted posts will be reviewed prior to publication on the site. It may take us up to two business days to review the information.
  • To help you “put your best foot forward” for your article or event, submitted posts will likely be altered to conform with the ASU writing style guides and best practices.
  • Categorize your content appropriately. See categories. Please at least include categories for audience type (campuses, applicable to those in the Fulton Schools and/or all of ASU, and relevance to Fulton Schools faculty, staff and/or students) so our readers can find your content. We may edit categories upon publication.
  • We may reject or request that you resubmit your article for publication if there is information missing from the post. Of critical importance in this process is the inclusion of alt text for any included image or document within the post. Please reference this article for a succinct definition of alt text and its many uses across the web.
  • You do not need to resubmit an event or opportunity each week — the same post will be used until the date or deadline has passed.
  • Questions? Use the Editorial Comments feature in your post to work with an In the Loop editor.

The In the Loop email has its own publication cycle.

  • The email is sent weekly on Wednesdays after 5 p.m during the spring and fall semesters. Summer typically features an every-other-week publication schedule.
  • News stories submitted before 5 p.m. on Tuesday will be considered for inclusion within the email that goes out on Wednesday.

Ready to contribute?

Contributors to In the Loop can log into the site and create their post directly in the site editor.

Request access

New contributors will need to have an account created for them before they can log in using the button above.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the new users guide for additional information, including how to provide us with additional profile details like your name and role at ASU.

Review our documentation

Need a quick refresher? View the Quick Start guide for some basic guidelines to submit your post.

Or, learn more about how to use the various features of the block editor to make the most out of your event or article.