Register for Dare to Lead this fall — course begins September 8

Dare to Lead™ is a professional development opportunity for students and staff. Based on the grounded theory research of Dr. Brené Brown, this Dare to Lead course is an interactive leadership workshop you have never experienced before. It will teach you the skill sets of courage to work on and provide operationalized tools that will change how you lead forever.

Dare to Lead is the ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures. Brené Brown designed this program to teach the four skill sets of Daring leadership. They are not only teachable but also measurable and observable. It’s learning and practice that requires brave work, tough conversations and showing up with our whole hearts.

The course is nine weeks in length, with the group meeting for two and a half hours each week. The course will start on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

Interested? Please reach out to Pamela Brooks at [email protected] to register.