If you own or edit a WordPress website with the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and need assistance, or you’re looking to learn more about the new Inner Circle website content submission process, we’re here to help! Join us at virtual office hours.
Events and opportunities happening online.
Attend two upcoming Center for Cybersecurity and Trusted Foundations seminars, November 16 and 17
The Center for Cybersecurity & Trusted Foundations invites you to two upcoming seminars, “Applied Machine Learning in Malware Analysis” given by Omid Mirzaei and “Tales from the High Seas: Stories from an Internet Pirate” given by Chad Spensky.
Inner Circle is getting an update — learn the new content submission process in these workshops, October 18–26
We are launching a new Inner Circle website on Monday, October 31, 2022. If you’ve submitted content to Inner Circle before or if you’re a new contributor, join us for a hands-on workshop to learn the new content submission process. Our team will also provide documentation to help you get started.
More than Money: What Capital Women Researchers Need at the New American University, October 4
The ASU Faculty Women’s Association invites you to join us for the first in a three-part series that will explore the types of capital women researchers need to be successful at the New American University.
Sign up to attend and volunteer at the ASU Professional Development Conference, October 26–27
Planning is well underway for the 15th annual ASU Professional Development Conference hosted by the ASU Commission on the Status of Women. All ASU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend this free conference. It is the largest university-provided development conference in the nation!
Apply to Venture Devils and turn your idea into reality — deadline October 2
Venture Devils empowers the entrepreneurial success of founders by connecting them with Venture Mentors who provide personalized support. Receive direct access to ASU seed funding opportunities, training and development offerings and venture development spaces!
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Upcoming meetings and workshops
Join the FSE Learning and Teaching Hub for professional learning opportunities this semester.
Help your students prepare for the Fulton Schools Online Career Fairs, September 13, 14 and 20
The Fall Fulton Schools Online Career Fairs are coming up on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, Wednesday, September 14, 2022, and Tuesday, September 20, 2022. The Fulton Schools Career Center has a number of resources to help students get ready. Share these resources and events with your students:
Register for the Microelectronics/Semiconductor Research Community Virtual Workshop, September 8–9
In response to the recent efforts of the federal government to bolster U.S. semiconductor manufacturing under the auspices of the CHIPS Act, the NSF NNCI is organizing a two-day online workshop to examine how the NNCI can address various components of the CHIPS initiative.
Apply to Venture Devils and turn your idea into reality — deadline August 21
Venture Devils empowers the entrepreneurial success of founders by connecting them with Venture Mentors who provide personalized support. Receive direct access to ASU seed funding opportunities, training and development offerings and venture development spaces!
Faculty: Attend FSE Cloud Classroom Live Training for Apporto, July 26
This interactive session, led by Max Lushchan, director of customer success at Apporto, will give you everything you need to get off to a strong start this fall. In addition to best practices for enhancing the learning experience, this webinar will also cover advanced features, such as student impersonation, collaborative learning and virtual classrooms.
Join the virtual Intel® 2022 Academic Day, July 20
Fulton Schools staff and faculty are invited to join the virtual Intel® 2022 Academic Day, scheduled for Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 7:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
Register for the 2022-2023 Global Advocacy Certificate Program
The Global Advocacy Certificate Program, or GACP, is for ASU faculty and staff who desire to cultivate a globally-minded campus through Cultural Intelligence (CI). Participants will broaden their awareness of intercultural topics and learn specific strategies for supporting culturally and linguistically diverse, or CLD, students and scholars in the classroom and workplace to promote a more inclusive community for all.
Share with your students: I-BREATHE Indoor Air Quality Hackathon, July 15–17
I-BREATHE is looking for all domains and disciplines to design new solutions to achieve cleaner and healthier indoor air. Register for your chance to win up to $500 and a chance to implement your concept in an actual living lab demonstration at ASU.