Have you thought about what type of academic integrity culture exists in your course? Allotting time to share expectations, educate and inspire students to complete their studies with integrity is very important. It is no longer enough to just have an academic integrity statement in your syllabus. Internal reflection on the culture you want to foster in your class, followed by proactive and consistent communication, can go a long way toward inspiring students to make good decisions. The development of a positive class culture is highly individualistic but here are a few tips for consideration:
Events and opportunities relevant to Fulton Schools staff.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Mediaplus — ASU launches new media delivery platform in December
MediaPlus will replace MediaAMP/Modalis as the media delivery platform for ASU. Faculty and staff will not need to re-upload or transfer those resources themselves. All existing media, videos and transcripts in MediaAMP are being copied and saved and will begin to appear in MediaPlus in early December. All existing links to MediaAmp content within Canvas will be automatically transitioned to MediaPlus.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovators Ryan Meuth and Phill Miller in CSE 110
Ryan Meuth and Phill Miller are senior lecturers under the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence who have been creatively reimagining their approach to teaching and learning in the CSE 110: Principles of Programming course.
Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Proctoring in-person exams
It can be difficult to proctor in-person exams and keep them organized and orderly. Probably the two most important tips are to over plan and over-communicate. Being prepared and letting students know your expectations will alleviate most of the challenging issues. We are sure you have some great ideas but here are a few basic tips to consider:
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Resources and news at the Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub website
The Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub, or LTH, was announced earlier this year to broaden access to innovative teaching strategies, technologies, tools and resources.
Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Group projects
Group projects are a great way to enhance content knowledge and provide students the experience of working with other people on a shared project. To avoid academic integrity problems and upset students, consider assimilating these tips to enhance the academic integrity of your group projects.
Academic Integrity Office Tips for the Faculty: Assignment instructions
Students are expected to know and abide by the ASU academic integrity policy. Regardless, it is good practice to always provide clear assignment/exam instructions. Repeating expectations and providing clear instructions make it more difficult for a panicked student to rationalize a poor academic integrity decision.
Academic Integrity Office Tips and Meme of the Month: Examinations
Examinations are very important but also a time of high stress for the students in your classes. Here are a few basic tips that might help improve fairness and overall higher levels of academic integrity.
Note from Kyle: Announcing Sridhar Seetharaman as new vice dean for research and innovation
It is my great pleasure to announce Sridhar Seetharaman as the vice dean for research and innovation in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We are pleased to welcome Sridhar to the Fulton Schools as we embark on a new year with renewed focus on accelerating opportunities for our research community, and look forward…
Diversity and Inclusion Initiative seed funding program awardees selected
The Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (DII@FSE) Task Force selected five awardees to receive funding under the DII@FSE Seed Funding Program.