Save the date for Sun Devil Giving Day, March 16

Sun Devil Giving Day 2023

The Fulton Schools invites you to consider the causes you care about and support them with a gift in honor of Sun Devil Giving Day, our biggest philanthropic event of the year, on Thursday, March 16, 2023.

Employee giving helps enhance a culture of philanthropy on campus and sets a good example for students (future alumni!).

Grab a payroll deduction form (download the payroll deduction form now or look for a copy in the Brickyard 6th floor break room), or visit online, and join us on March 16!

“The new School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks has an incredibly hard-working faculty and staff who cares about our students at all levels. They are focused on teaching, research and graduating successful students! The Starly family truly believes in the heart and spirit of MSN and hence we are giving back. We encourage ASU alumni and corporate donors who recognize the value of advanced manufacturing research and education to give in any way possible to support the university.”

Binil Starlydirector of MSN

Payroll Deduction Gifts 2023
