Attend the Engineering Teaching Faculty Workshops in April
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Dean’s office will host workshops this Spring that will be held on both the Tempe campus and Polytechnic campus. The workshops are offered in person and via Zoom. For Zoom, links will be provided in advance to all registrants who select that option when registering. Each workshop will focus on:
- The process
- Expectations in the Fulton Schools
- What internal reviewers tend to look for in applications
- Recommendations for what to focus on in developing a strong record leading to promotion for teaching professors
The content of these workshops is specific to the Fulton Schools. New assistant or associate teaching professors, those considering submitting applications for promotion the upcoming academic year, and faculty mentors are especially encouraged to attend one of the sessions.
Teaching Faculty Promotion Workshop
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
2–4 p.m.
Sutton Hall (SUTON) 130, Polytechnic campus [map] — New location!
Register to attend
Teaching Faculty Promotion Workshop
Friday, April 21, 2023
9–11 a.m.
Brickyard (BYENG) 660, Tempe campus [map]
Register to attend
Questions? Contact Maggie Olson at [email protected].