Submit nominations for the ASU Committee for Campus Inclusion Catalyst Awards by Feb. 10

The ASU Committee for Campus Inclusion is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the CCI Catalyst Awards, honoring individuals, groups, teams, organizations/units, and programs that have catalyzed change by fostering and promoting diversity and inclusion at ASU and beyond.

Nominations for the award may be submitted by any member of the ASU community.

Award nominations will be evaluated across contributions by the following categories:

  • Faculty.
  • Staff.
  • Student (undergraduate/graduate).
  • Student club, organization or team.
  • Employee club, organization or team.
  • University programs.

Submit your nominations by Thursday, Feb. 10, 2023!

All nominations will be submitted online. Complete awards information, criteria and nomination form can be found on the CCI Website.

All nominees will be recognized and recipients will be announced at the Catalyst Awards Ceremony on Thursday, March 2, 2023.

Questions? Email [email protected].

CCI Catalyst Awards Nominations Spring 2023
